Photo of Kabriele Rosas Mexico

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Born in Mexico City in 1982, she spent her childhood between the limits of suburbs and slums. At an early age this awakened her curiosity for different cultures and the conditions of life in poverty.

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35.43 x 23.62 in
49.21 x 35.04 in
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Born in Mexico City in 1982, she spent her childhood between the limits of suburbs and slums. At an early age this awakened her curiosity for different cultures and the conditions of life in poverty.

For her secondary education she was selected to attend the “CEDART, Frida Kahlo”, affiliated with the Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, where she studied and specialized in fine arts and had her first mural Enterrada en libros (Buried in Books) in the library of the school.

In July of 2001 she moved to Los Angeles, CA where she attended the Master Program in drawing and painting at the Art Academy of Los Angeles; as well as sculpture workshops at the Robert Cunningham Sculpture Studio. Her first solo exhibition TheOr was held in Santa Monica, CA at the Bergamont Station Center.

In 2003 she returned to Mexico and started a journey south. She ended up in Huatulco, Oaxaca, where she had her first encounter with agriculture, working on a papaya plantation. Little did she know at the time, this experience would shape her life for the next coming years. Finding the point where the natural world meets her art. Living between the city slums and rural farming communities.

In 2004 she spent a brief period in Los Angeles before beginning a volunteer program in Massachusetts. The next year was spent both in the rural mountains of Massachusetts and in a coastal fishing village outside of Maputo, Mozambique in Southern Africa. There she worked with cultural and agricultural education. This new environment and all the culture, colors and sounds around her, teaching art to orphans and street children, would all become the new additions to her palette and style. We can see this influence in the work she created while living there: Muerte mozambicana (Mozambican Death), Andrea and Tsenane; These works were a part of the duo exhibition she had with the Mozambican painter, Tsenane, entitled Santuario Ambulante (Ambulant Sanctuary) A local newspaper sponsored the exhibition.

She had a brief journey through Europe before returning to Massachusetts. Once back on the east coast she took a position within the organization working closely with new volunteers who were headed to Brazil to work with cultural programs involving street kids. She and the volunteers moved to Brazil, staying between Salvador, Itaparica and Lencois. In this new period it is important to mention a new perspective of the use of space, where the color takes architectural dimensions influenced by the everyday sights of the slums (favelas) and the mixed living space of the rich and poor.

Again she returned to Mexico City where she prepared the exhibition entitled Ruta Ambulante (Ambulant Route) in the gallery Foro Amarte, combining her art with a theater group and tango music. That same year, along with other street artists, she produced a mural for a government school in Copilco, Mexico D.F. The mural is called Caos en Recife.

She moved to Marseille for some months where she produced El funeral de Meng (Meng’s Funeral), which was later Published in a Mexican magazine, Transeunte (Transient). In Valencia, Spain in 2008, she participated in the contest Premios Fivars, entering the piece Favelas Amoniacadas (Ammonia Slums), and was selected for exhibition at the gallery Fivars.

Following her adventure through Europe, she found herself in rural Michigan where she stayed for almost 2 years working with the same NGO that took her to Africa and Brazil so many years before. There she worked mostly with starting the school’s vegetable garden and as an art teacher. In addition to daily tasks she studied and took a course in permaculture principles. These 2 years marked the beginning of the new style seen in her more recent artwork. Here, in addition to new styles, we can observe new techniques as well as subjects: natural spaces and transparencies, more freedom in the use of lines and contours, the many layers of a forest. The movement of the paintings are now more fluid as opposed to the previous structured, geometric city shapes. This work and style continued, and was sharpened, through her experience living on a small, isolated, Pacific Northwest island. The natural scenery and lack of public services (and sharp lines) gave her yet a new eye in the ever-changing creative process.

From there she traveled back home to Mexico City. There she sold a number of paintings, gifted one to the famed international writer, Paulo Coelho, and organized a work of performance art. On an outdoor stage, using her paintings as the scenery, a unique performance was given involving theater, music and story telling. The show was titled Tendederos Ambulantes (Ambulant Clotheslines).

After 10 years of moving, painting, packing and rolling up canvases, she has planted herself in the Seattle area. She has begun to involve herself in the local art scene, work with larger formats and begin the challenging process of working with new and different media.

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